Let life find you

Friday, March 24, 2006

2+2=5 (The new cosmological constant)

Sadly, I've found myself, on more than one occasion so far, desiring to hit ctrl+s to save this page. Arrgh... Oh the frustrations (sarcasm).

I'm a drafter by trade, atm, and I work with AutoCAD and other such programs. I've been so conditioned to save every 45 seconds or so that it can even creep into something like this. Weird. Yah, I know, who cares. Hehe. Well, it's fun in my world k'.

Isn't weird kind of a weird word? I mean, think about it. If 'I' comes after 'E', except after 'C', then weird is most definitely breaking some sort of cosmological constant, or some such scientifical thing as that. Ask a scientist, they know everything (sarcasm again, hah, imagine that).


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