Let life find you

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

This is important please read it all

Normally, I'm a fan of charities and philanthropic ventures like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, but every so often you come across something that makes you wonder what evil is being mixed in with all the good that these organizations are doing (and they are doing quite a bit of good don't get me wrong). This link is just an example of what I am talking about. It makes me sick to think about it honestly.

How can the Gates Foundation say in their values statement, and I quote, "All lives, no matter where they are being led - have equal value." and "To whom much has been given, much is expected."? (Gates Foundation) Yet they support the most egregious act upon a human who has no natural or legal defense to counteract the "treatment" being administered to them for "the good of society" or "the health and well-being of the mother". What about the "health and well-being" of the baby!

First off, if the foundation states that all lives matter and have equal value, then what about those who haven't had the "privilege" of coming out of the womb yet? What about them? Children have been consistently denied their right to life given by God Almighty.

The Gates Foundation is only a symptom of the far greater issue in the world of a slide in to moral relevancy. I realize that much has already been written on this subject, but I am adding my two cents in for what it may be worth.

Every year nearly 46,000,000 children who would have been born and given the chance to see the light of day are systematically murdered and disposed of. That's around 126,000 innocents slaughtered every day! To put that number into perspective, think about it like this: if you got the entire populace of Bozeman, Billings and Helena together and "disposed" of them you would have around the same number of folks out of the way. Now do that every day. Now think about this
in comparison, if the tables were turned and people who had the opportunity to be born were taken out at such a rate, the United States alone would cease to exist in a little over 7 years.

So, if "To whom much is given, much is expected" then shouldn't those who are
given the opportunity to live be expected to shoulder the responsibility to protect those that have been denied that right? A good place to start looking into all of this would be at the National Right to Life website. They offer a good deal of information into the subject. (Warning: The partial birth abortion animation on the main page is quite graphic, but unfortunately accurate)

Look, I will be the first to say that I believe this not to be a political issue, but a moral and spiritual one. Of course, it has to get political at some point to renege the laws that are already on the books, but that should really be it. The issue shouldn't be used for political posturing or to simply get yourself elected. Abortion is wrong, plain and simple. Abortion is NEVER the answer. I don't really care what argument is thrown at it. Does that make me "insensitive" or "uncaring" about mothers? No. It simply means that I have a position on the issue and strong beliefs to back it up.

If it really was just a hunk of fetal tissue that gained life the moment it came out
(that would be magic the only way I can figure) and started crying, then this would be a much different issue. But the facts are clear, and I might add obvious for anyone with a first grade education or higher and half a will to believe it. How anyone sees that a baby isn't alive in the womb is beyond my simple grasp of life.

It's my belief that none of this will ever change for the better unless we, as Christians, begin reaching
out in love, instead of derision, to those who are hurting and have had or are considering/performing abortions. It runs the gambit folks, we can't just simply pick and choose who to love and who to hate. Jesus said to love your enemies, he never said we had to like them or adopt their ways. Maybe, if we show the other side a little compassion and our willingness to help, they won't see us as a bunch of radical conservative right-wing bigots (as they like to generally and inaccurately refer to us). We are not permitted to hate those who are connected with abortion. We are, however, commanded to bring them the good news of Jesus Christ. And really, He's the only one who can ever change their minds anyway. Why not introduce them to the better way of life, and help them find a path through the darkness? There is no reason not to, and at least 42,000,000 reasons every year to do so.



Blogger Pauly said...

I agree whole heartedly! Amen brother. =)

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 1:29:00 PM

Blogger Rebekah Doran said...

Well said, my friend. You should send that to Microsoft and the Gates Foundation.

However, I think there's another issue that needs to be addressed. Although it gets hidden beneath the mothers' rights propoganda, it doesn't take much to see that there's another agenda at work in the minds of a lot of politicians both here and abroad.

Do the math. 126,000 children per day. 46 million each year. It that would reduce the population of the U.S. to zero in little more than seven years, wouldn't it also double the population of the U.S. in the same amount of time, if these children were allowed to be born?

I feel the same way about abortion as you do, but to a lot of people, it makes for pretty effective population control when it comes to 46 million irresponsible people (or couples) making 46 million irresponsible choices every year that would be 46 million additional lives into this world and introduce them to the social structure and system(s) of our society. So, instead of addressing the irresponsibility itself (which would be a major undertaking and would mean the reintroduction of morality, as well as the redefining of a lot of values) society gives them a solution that is both an easy way out for the irresponsible people who make those decisions and an easy control of a potential population problem.

When it all comes down to it, it's Marxism and a page right out of the communist manifesto. Maintaining a manageable population.

Okay, I realize that seemed a bit off the wall, but I had to say it, anyway. I'm not really a conspiracy theorist, but I guess it does show you how much I trust the self-proclaimed geniuses that run the country (and, in reality, a whole lot more)--you know, the irresponsible people in government and self-serving politics, who make just as many irresponsible choices as those who have unprotected intercourse and then decide that it was a bad idea, the result of which can still be negated if conscious doesn't apply.

Friday, June 30, 2006 8:21:00 PM

Blogger Rebekah Doran said...

Sidenote: (at the risk of being admittedly unfair) Just how many mainstream politicians are there in the world who are still possessed of a conscious?

Friday, June 30, 2006 8:26:00 PM

Blogger Aehric said...

That's a good question. It's one most people attempt to ignore. I think a lot of folks vote out of a sense of vague civic duty that has really lost the majority of its meaning. This is certainly unfortunate and, yet again, shows a deeper issue. We don't have any good candidates. Every one we have to choose from is sinful and fallen just like the rest of us. I personally believe that government can not be perfect in the life. But we have to choose the lesser of two evils. No one candidate or party is perfect, and I would be afraid if there was such a one. Antichrist any one? Hmm, perfect politician. Heh, simply conjecture.

Saturday, July 01, 2006 1:32:00 AM

Blogger Rebekah Doran said...

Antichrist? No. He will be a dynamic statesman, for sure, and he will have a huge following. He'll be an incredible and convincing speaker, with his mouth full of smooth words. Still, he is a far cry from an honest and upright man, which is what we're talking about.

I know that the Bible says that he will not have known a woman, but who's to say that he's not gay? We certainly have enough evidence of his hatred for God and the lies and blasphemy that he is fearless to spew out.

Believe it or not, there are a handful of honest people in the wolrd who are upright before the Lord. The problem is, they're not interested in politics.

Sure, Jimmy Carter ran on that platform and look at how many lies he told before leaving office. The sad thing is that said election may have been the last one where an honest man could have been elected.

A cooworker of mine summed it up best, when Clinton was in office. He was a pretty crude man and heard me lamenting how dishonest and immoral of a man that Clinton was--the example that a president sets for the world.

His response was, "Yeah. We all know that Clinton is a born liar and a womanizer, and he's probably done drugs as well or even worse than that. Let's face it: we finally have someone in office again that the rest of us can relate to. That's why we continue to support him."

Nuff' said. An truly honest, upright and God-fearing individual wouldn't stand a chance of being elected in our society today. My coworker was right: such an individual would not reflect the values of our culture.

Sunday, July 02, 2006 2:34:00 PM

Blogger Aehric said...

I agree completely. By the way, I was totally kidding about the antichrist thing. My theology isn't that flawed. :)

Sunday, July 02, 2006 7:16:00 PM


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