Let life find you

Thursday, July 06, 2006

A review of "Brainwashed" by Ben Shapiro

This is a book review I just wrote on Amazon.com
Here's the link to the page if you're interested in the book itself. I would HIGHLY recommend it if you are going to college, have children who will go to college or are just curious what's reallly going on. If you don't want to buy it I'll loan you mine or buy you one myself. (That is if I know you and you're not some random person on the Internet of course)

A brutally honest look at the reality of college

I just finished reading Ben Shapiro's book and I have to say, as a college senior myself, that he is spot on the money with this work. The rise of social and moral relativism in the culture and on the campus has been, and continues to be, one of the greatest threats America now faces as a sovereign nation.

It's time that level headed people began to combat this societal cancer and do something about the leftist, socialistic, communistic, feministic, and racially bigoted agenda of today’s modern universities.

The naysayer’s to this, and other books like it, have most likely been raised in the prevailing college culture mentioned, and therefore do not have the capability, or at least the willingness, to hold a rational and objective opinion about it. I would implore them to actually open their minds and realize that the real world is much different, and better, than the fantasy land known as higher education.

Oh, and before anyone labels me as an ignorant right wing conservative Republican, and therefore hypothetically ineffectual in the argument, I personally lived through this sort of leftist propaganda and institutionalized thinking regimen. I was one of them.

I eventually saw the error in my ways (it's a little thing called maturity, and a willingness to admit that one can be wrong before they can ever be right). So it's my prayer that others will see through the hyper vitriolic, America hating, sex soaked bombardment that many professors and colleges throw their way. See through the darkness, there is a better way. That way is Jesus Christ not the state. Oh, and by the way, I have in my travels met some decent level headed professors. They’re not all bad and it would be wrong to caricature them as such.

Every person who wants an honest liberal education should read this book and ones like it alongside the already prescribed reading list to truly get both sides of the story.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

America Supports You

This site is awesome. Leave our troops an encouraging message and tell them how much you love them.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

A new generation

Gratz to Caleb and Mandie once again on the new little one. Emilie's dedication was yesterday. It was a good time. Got to meet a lot of both sides of the family. Anyhow, here's a picture of Kirby holding the little munchkin.

Puzzle Pirates